Software installations#


Some of the labs (especially the measure labs) only work on the computer’s lab. Several reasons for that:

  • they need specific equipment (e.g. Wattmeter)

  • they use software tools only available on some computers (e.g. rapl counters and likwid library are available for some processors only).

For those that would like to test the labs on their personal computer, there is no guarantee that the labs will work on their personal computers.

If you want to try, you are responsible of the installation of the required software on your computer. The instructions in the following pages may be a help for the installation.

For the labs taking place in the BYOD room (Cloud and IoT lab), you have to follow the python installation page.


NB: The commands are given for a DELL computer and a GNU Linux system, they may have to be adapted to your operating system.