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Why and how-to contribute to libre software when you integrate them into an in-house application ? (preview)


Christian Bac, Olivier Berger, Véronique Deborde and Benoît Hamet


Free or open source software are common tools that everybody can use and customise at its convenience to create in-house applications. Using and customising free software is not sufficient to ensure that this in-house application will be maintainable at mid or long term. This paper draws lessons from our in-house project, the development of a groupware Web platform for researchers, to help defining a policy through which efficient contributions can be made to open source software so that the in-house projects may remain viable.

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We have only reproduced here the abstract of the paper. For more details, please read the full-text version available at Why and how-to contribute to libre software when you integrate them into an in-house application ? in the official (copyrighted) proceedings of the OSS2005 conference.


The slides of presentation of this paper are available in : The “Présentations” section of the site, under the title “Integration of libre software for in-house applications - Strategy for contribution. Example of the ProGET collaborative work platform for researchers at GET”.


[IDBac_et_al,2005] Bac, Berger, Deborde, and Hamet Bac, Berger, Deborde, and Hamet 2005 Bac C., O. Berger, V. Deborde and B. Hamet, 2005, Why and how to contribute to libre software when you integrate them into an in-house application ?, in: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Open Source Systems, p. 113-118.

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