PDS – Parallel and Distributed Systems track

Master of computer science

Research project (2024/2025)

During the master, a student will learn research by doing research. During the two years of the master, a student will thus spend between one or two days each week in a research group in order to do research projects with professors and PhD students of IP Paris.

Research project schedule

When Where What
20/09/2024 at 10h00 Telecom Paris, (room: 4A312) and online Presentation of project proposals
27/09/2024 Project starts
7/03/2025 TBD Report and final evaluation for M2 students, mid-term for M1 students
26/06/2025 TBD Report and final evaluation for M1 students

Project Evaluation

Research projects will be evaluated on a research report, and a presentation. The project defense is a 20 minutes presentation of the research work followed by 5-10 minutes of questions. The presentation has to explain the work context and problematics, and describe the contribution of the conducted research project.

The report is a expected to be a 5 to 8 pages research paper formatted using the IEEE conference style. The report should present the context of the work, its contribution, a positioning with respect to related works. Both M1 and M2 students are expected to send their research report by email before friday, 7/3/2024. M1 students are expected to update their report and resubmit it in june.

Proposed projects

The following project proposals may be shared with several masters track, including DataAI, HPDA, PDS, Cybersecurity.

Id Title Advisor Description Student
1 Towards energy efficient consensus mechanisms for blockchains Sophie Chabridon Location: Palaiseau, project description
2 From Concepts to Pixels: Training AI Vision Models Without Real Data! Georgios Bouloukakis, Nikolaos Papadakis Location: Palaiseau, project description Duc Hieu Le
3 Assessing the Performance Evaluation of in-situ applications using Simulation Valentin Honoré Location: Palaiseau, project description
4 Performance Evaluation of Tape Storage Systems Valentin Honoré Location: Palaiseau, project description
5 Leveraging virtualization and a user-land page table to efficiently use a modern memory Gaël Thomas, Jana Toljaga Location: Palaiseau, , project description Tan Cetiner
6 Extending CPU functionalities on a softcore Risc-V FPGA implementation Gaël Thomas, Nicolas Derumigny Location: Palaiseau Merijn Laks
7 Design and implementation of a Paxos algorithm in the network Gaël Thomas Location: Palaiseau Michael Anoprenko
8 High performance serverless computing François Trahay Location: Palaiseau, project description
9 Web-based trace visualization François Trahay Location: Palaiseau, project description
10 TBD (something around distributed algorithms) Pierre Sutra Location: Palaiseau Minh Tung Nguyen
11 Compiling entanglement generation protocols Pavel Chuprikov Location: Palaiseau
12 Formalizing network-assisted distributed algorithms Pavel Chuprikov Location: Palaiseau
13 Compile-time verification of distributed systems Pavel Chuprikov Location: Palaiseau
14 Abstractions for control plane-aware network data plane programming Pavel Chuprikov Location: Palaiseau
15 Best of all worlds - synchrony, asynchrony and reconfiguration in blockchains Petr Kuznetsov Location: Palaiseau
16 Economic incentives in cooperation Petr Kuznetsov Location: Palaiseau
17 Redundant data duplication in scalable replicated services Petr Kuznetsov Location: Palaiseau
18 A disaggregated memory interface for a large-scale garbage collector Adam Chader, Gaël Thomas Location: Palaiseau Gejsi Vjerdha