INF 4401 – Introduction To Databases

Portail informatique


This homework is due for the 13/04/2023. You will have to submit your homework on Moodle. The format is free (handwritten or PDF), but make sure it is readable.
The grade will be on 20. You have one bonus point.

For this homework, we will work on a financial database composed of several tables.
  • Companies: It represents all the companies in our dataset.
  • StockExchange: It represents all the stock exchanges, i.e. the places where companies equities are exchanged. seID is the stock exchange ID. The opening and closing hour are at UTC, and only takes into account hours (not minutes).
  • Equities: A table representing the different equities. tickerID is the unique identifier of an equity.
  • Traders: A table representing the traders.
  • Transactions: A table containing all the transactions. The buyers and sellers are traders.
  • Portfolios: A table containing all the equities that are currently owned by the traders.

    • Here are examples of contents:

      companyID name country creationDate
      C001 Tesla USA 01/07/2023
      C002 Renault France 24/12/1898
      C003 Stellantis Netherland 16/01/2021
      C004 Airbus France 18/12/1970
      seID name region openHour closeHour
      S001 New York Stock Exchange USA 14 21
      S002 Nasdaq USA 14 21
      S003 Euronext Europe 8 16
      S004 Japan Exchange Group Japan 0 6
      S005 OTC US USA 14 21
      tickerID companyID seID currentValue
      TSLA C001 S002 190.90
      RNLSY C002 S005 9.00
      RN0.FP C002 S003 43.390
      STLAP.FP C003 S003 17.67
      STLA C003 S001 18.35
      traderID name age
      T001 George Soros 92
      T002 Paul Tudor Jones 68
      T003 Richard Dennis 74
      T004 John Paulson 67
      T005 Nick Leeson 56
      transactionID tickerID date price buyerID sellerID
      X001 TSLA 02/03/2023 186.74 T001 T002
      X002 TSLA 01/03/2023 206.21 T002 T001
      X003 TSLA 16/02/2023 210.78 T003 T004
      X004 RNO 10/02/2023 41.80 T001 T004
      traderID tickerID quantity
      T001 TSLA 115
      T001 RNO 21
      T002 RNO 210
      T003 RNO 34
      T003 STLA 374

      Database Schema

      (1 point) For each table, list all the attributes with a possible domain.
      • Companies: companyID: String, name: String, country: String, creationDate: Date
      • StockExchange: seID: String, name: String, region: String, openHour: Integer, closeHour: Integer
      • Equities: tickerID: String, companyID: String, seID: String, currentValue: Float
      • Traders: traderID: String, name: String, age: Integer
      • Transactions: transactionID: String, tickerID: String, date: Date, price: Float, buyerID: String, sellerID: String
      • Portfolio: traderID: String, tickerID: String, quantity: Integer

      (1 point) For each table, give the key.
      • Companies: companyID
      • StockExchange: seID
      • Equities: tickerID
      • Traders: traderID: String
      • Transactions: transactionID: String
      • Portfolio: traderID, tickerID

      (1 point) For each table, give the foreign keys (if there is any).
      • Companies: None
      • StockExchange: None
      • Equities: companyID, seID
      • Traders: None
      • Transactions: tickerID, buyerID, sellerID (both represent a traderID)
      • Portfolio: traderID, tickerID

      (1 point) Using the answers above, give the final database schema.
      • Companies(companyID: String, name: String, country: String, creationDate: Date)
      • StockExchange(seID: String, name: String, region: String, openHour: Integer, closeHour: Integer)
      • Equities(tickerID: String, companyID: String, seID: String, currentValue: Float)
      • Traders(traderID: String, name: String, age: Integer)
      • Transactions(transactionID: String, tickerID: String, date: Date, price: Float, buyerID: String, sellerID: String)
      • Portfolio(traderID: String, tickerID: String, quantity: Integer)

      Relational Algebra

      (1 point) Using plain English, explain what the following diagram does.

      We get all the tickers Richard Denis bought and for how much.

      (2 point) Draw a diagram to get all the tickerIDs of equities traded on the Stock Exchange called "Euronext".

      (2 point) Draw a diagram to get the tickerIDs that were bought by the trader with ID T003 or that were emitted by the company C004.


      In this exercice, you are not asked to draw a relational algebra diagram. You have to answer directly in SQL.

      (2 point) Translate the following diagram to SQL.

      SELECT tickerID, price FROM Transactions JOIN Traders On Traders.traderID = Transactions.buyerID WHERE name = "Richard Denis";

      SELECT tickerID, price FROM Transactions, Traders WHERE name = "Richard Denis" AND Traders.traderID = Transactions.buyerID;

      (2 point) Write a SQL query to get the tickerIDs of companies located in France.
      SELECT tickerID FROM Equities JOIN Companies On Equities.companyID = Company.companyID WHERE = "France";

      (2 point) Write a SQL query to get all the tickerIDs and the price of the equities such that the seller is younger than the buyer.
      SELECT tickerID, price FROM Transactions JOIN Traders AS Buyers ON Transactions.buyerID = Buyers.traderID JOIN Traders AS Sellers ON Transactions.sellerID = Sellers.traderID WHERE Sellers.age < Buyers.age;

      (2 point) Write a SQL query to get the total of money exchanged on 03/03/2023.
      SELECT SUM(price) as total_amount FROM Transactions WHERE date = "03/03/2023";

      (2 point) Write a SQL query to give, for each traderID, the minimum price paid for an equity.
      SELECT buyerID, MIN(price) as min_price FROM Transactions GROUP BY buyerID;

      (2 point) Write a SQL query to get the names of the traders who own more than 10 different tickers and who are less than 30.
      SELECT name FROM Traders JOIn Portfolio ON Portfolio.traderID = Traders.traderID WHERE age < 30 GROUP BY Traders.traderID HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT tickerID) > 10;

      (2 point - bonus) Write a SQL query to find the trader with the most money in his or her portfolio. A trader can own several tickers. Note that, in SQL, we can multiply column. You will need to use a column quantity * currentPrice AS totalCurrentPrice.
      SELECT traderID FROM Portfolio JOIN Equities ON Equities.tickerID = Portfolio.tickerID GROUP BY traderID ORDER BY SUM(quantity * currentValue) DESC LIMIT 1;