INF 4401 – Introduction To Databases

Portail informatique

CI1 : Relational Algebra

Practice Relational Algebra.

Database Schema (∼20mn – medium)

In this exercice, we will practice the notions seen during the lecture. To answer the question, you can use paper. For drawing relational algebra diagrams, we can also use pen and paper (like it will be the case during the exam), or use Powerpoint/LibreOffice/Google slides with the symbols you can find here.
During this lab, we will work on a database from a wine seller. Here are rows examples for all the tables in the database:

WineID vineyard year degree
W0129 Muscadet 2021 13.5
W0130 Chinon 2022 12.5
W0131 Madiran 2021 13.5
WineID ProducerID weight
W0129 P2230 12.5
W0129 P2241 20.1
W0131 P2230 1.4
ProducerID name city
P2230 Dupond Brive-La-Gaillarde
P2241 Dupont Bordeaux
P2231 Marcel Meaux
ClientID name city
C0001 Jean Duchamps Paris
C0002 John Doe Évry
C0003 Gérard Dixit Palaiseau
OrderID date ClientID WineID quantity
O8976 12/12/2022 C0001 W0129 10.5
O8977 20/12/2022 C0002 W0130 20.3
O8978 01/02/2023 C0002 W0130 1.7
OrderID status
O8976 Order Received
O8977 Delivering
O8978 Delivered
This is the database of a wine seller. It contains six tables. The first one (Wines) contains the collection of wines, with information about its vineyard, year of harvest and degree of alcool. The second one (Harvests) links the wines with the producers and adds the weight of the harvest. The third one (Producers) describes the producers, with their name and city of origin. Next, Clients contains the list of clients of the wine seller, with their names and cities. Orders contains all the orders of the seller, with information about who bought what, when and in which quantity. Finally, Deliveries contains the current status of the orders.

For each table, identify what the primary key is.
  • Wines: WineID
  • Harvests: WineID, ProducerID
  • Producers: ProducerID
  • Clients: ClientID
  • Orders: OrderID
  • Deliveries: OrderID

For each table, identify the foreign keys.
  • Wines: None
  • Harvests: WineID, ProducerID
  • Producers: None
  • Clients: None
  • Orders: (OrderID), ClientID, WineID
  • Deliveries: (OrderID)

For each attribute, suggest a domain.
  • WineID: String
  • vineyard: String
  • year: Integer
  • degree: Float
  • ProducerID: String
  • name: String
  • city: String
  • date: Date
  • quantity: Float
  • status: String

Using the answers above, give the final database schema.
  • Wines(WineID: String, vineyard: String, year: Integer, degree: Float)
  • Harvests(WineID: String, ProducerID: String, weight: Float)
  • Producers(ProducerID: String, name: String, city: String)
  • Clients(ClientID: String, name: String, city: String)
  • Orders(OrderID: String, date: Date, ClientID: String, WineID: String, quantity: Float)
  • Deliveries(OrderID: String, status: String)

Relational Algebra (∼60mn – medium)

Get the name of all the clients.

Give the OrderID of all orders currently on delivery (status="on delivery").

Get the name of the WineIDs of wines produced before 1980.

Get the wines IDs that were never ordered
  • Identify the tables you need:
    • Tables explicitly mentioned in the query: Wines, Orders
    • Tables to connect tables: None
  • Identify what you need to output: WineIDs from Wines
  • Filter (with SELECT) and keep only the columns you need (with PROJECT)
    • We need WineID from Orders and Wines
  • Identify the links you need to create and the conditions/operations:
    • The WineID attributes connect Orders and Wines
    • We need to remove WinesID in Orders from WinesID in Wines (DIFFERENCE)
  • Filter and keep only the columns you need as you progress
Get the wines IDs that were never ordered

Get the names of producers living in Paris who are also clients (they have the same name)

Get the names of all the cities involved in the wine business (i.e. where a producer or a client lives)

Get the names of the cities where a producer harvested more that 1 ton of grapes in one time.

Get the names of the producers of Muscadet (type of vineyard)
  • Identify the tables you need
    • Tables explicitly mentioned in the query: Producers and Wines (for the vineyard)
    • Tables to connect tables: Harvest connect Producers and Wines
  • Identify what you need to output: We want
  • Filter (with SELECT) and keep only the columns you need (with PROJECT)
    • In Wines, we need the WineID (to link with Harvest) and vineyard (to pick Muscadet)
    • In Harvest, we need WineID and ProducerID to connect Producers and Wines
    • In Producer, we need ProducerID (to link with Harvest) and name (the output)
  • Identify the links you need to create and the conditions/operations
    • We link Wines and Harvest with the commun column WineID
    • We link Producers and Harvest with the commun ProducerID
  • Filter and keep only the columns you need as you progress
    • We need to filter the final result to get only the name in Producer
Get the names of the producers of Muscadet (type of vineyard)

Get the names of the wines that were never ordered
Wrong Get the <b>names</b> of the wines that were never ordered

Get the <b>names</b> of the wines that were never ordered

Get the names of clients who live in Paris and order before 2000 at least a bottle of Macon (vineyard) from 1995
  • Identify the tables you need
    • Tables explicitly mentioned in the query: Clients, Wines and Orders
    • Tables to connect tables: None
  • Identify what you need to output: We want
  • Filter (with SELECT) and keep only the columns you need (with PROJECT)
    • In Wines, we need the WineID (to link with Orders), vineyard (to pick Macon) and year (to pick 1995)
    • In Orders, we need WineID and ClientID to connect Clients and Wines
    • In Clients, we need ClientID (to link with Orders), name (the output) and city (to pick Paris)
  • Identify the links you need to create and the conditions/operations
    • We link Wines and Orders with the commun column WineID
    • We link Clients and Orders with the commun ClientID
  • Filter and keep only the columns you need as you progress
    • We need to filter the final result to get only the name in Client
Get the names of clients who live in Paris and order before 2000 at least a bottle of Macon (vineyard) from 1995

Get the name of the clients who are currently being delivered (status = “delivering”)

Get the names of the clients who bought a wine produced in Paris