INF 4401 – Introduction To Databases

Portail informatique

CI3 : SQL 2

Advanced SQL.
For these exercices, we keep the database from the previous lab. As a reminder, the schema was:
  • Wines(WineID: String, vineyard: String, year: Integer, degree: Float)
  • Harvests(WineID: String, ProducerID: String, weight: Float)
  • Producers(ProducerID: String, name: String, city: String)
  • Clients(ClientID: String, name: String, city: String)
  • Orders(orderID: String, date: Date, ClientID: String, WineID: String, quantity: Float)
  • Deliveries(orderID: String, status: String)

SQL JOIN (∼45mn – medium)

In this exercice, you are asked to answer the questions directly in SQL. Of course, you are free to draw a relational algebra diagram to help you.

Transform the following query into its equivalent query that uses the keyword JOIN. What does this query do?
select distinct vineyard from Wines, Orders where Wines.WineID = Orders.WineID;
This query returns the lists of vineyards that were ordered at least once.
Equivalent query:
select distinct vineyard from Wines join Orders on Wines.WineID = Orders.WineID;

Transform the following query into its equivalent query that uses the keyword JOIN. What does this query do?
select distinct name from Producers, Harvests where Producers.ProducerID = Harvests.ProducerID and weight > 100;
This query returns the names of the producers who produced at least once more than 100T during a single harvest.
Equivalent query:
select distinct name from Producers join Harvests on Producers.ProducerID = Harvests.ProducerID where weight > 100;

Convert the following relational algebra diagram into its equivalent SQL query that uses the keyword JOIN. What does this query do?
This query gets the status of orders such that the quantity is less than 10.
Equivalent query:
select status from Orders join Deliveries on Orders.orderID = Deliveries.orderID where quantity < 10;

Convert the following relational algebra diagram into its equivalent SQL query that uses the keyword JOIN. What does this query do?
This query gives for each city the vineyards produced in this city.
Equivalent query:
select city, vineyard from Producers join Harvests on Producers.producerID = Harvests.producerID join Wines on Wines.wineID = Harvests.wineID;

Write in SQL the following query using the keyword JOIN: Give the names of the clients who ordered something on the 24/12/2022.
select name from Clients join Orders on Orders.clientID = Clients.clientID where date = 24/12/2022;

Write in SQL the following query using the keyword JOIN: Give the vineyards of wines bought by people from Bordeaux.
select vineyard from Wines join Orders on Wines.wineID = Orders.wineID join Clients on Orders.clientID = Clients.clientID where = "Bordeaux";

Grouping And Aggregation (∼45mn – medium)

For all the following queries, we want to write the SQL request that answers the query.

What is the oldest year in our wine collection?
select min(year) from Wines;

What is the total weight produced by "Pierre Poujad"?
select sum(weight) from Harvests join Producers on Harvests.producerID = Producers.producerID where = "Pierre Poujad";

What is the mean degree of wines produced in the city called Puimisson?
select avg(degree) from Wines join Harvests on Harvests.wineID = Wines.wineID join Producers on Harvests.producerID = Producers.producerID where = "Puimisson";

What is the date of the most recent order with a status "delivered"?
select max(date) from Orders join Deliveries on Orders.orderID = Deliveries.orderID where status = "delivered";

Give for each clientID the total quantity of wine they ordered.
select clientID, sum(quantity) from Orders group by clientID;

For each city, what is the average quantity ordered?
select city, avg(quantity) from Orders join Clients on Clients.clientID = Orders.clientID group by city;

Give the list of cities where the total weight harvested is more than 10,000.
select city from Producers join Harvests on Harvests.producerID = Producers.producerID group by city having sum(weight) > 10000;

Give the list of client ids who ordered more than 10 times since the 24/12/2022.
select clientID from Orders where date > 24/12/2022 group by clientID having count(*) > 10;

Get the list of producers ids from the city Puimisson who always produce harvests of weight greater than 100 (i.e. the minimum harvest is more than 100).
select producerID from Producers join Harvests on Harvests.producerID = Producers.producerID where city = "Puimisson" group by producerID having min(weight) > 100;

Sort the wines by year, starting from the oldest wines.
select * from Wines order by year ASC;

What is the wine with the highest degree. In case of equality, we just output one of them without any preference.
select * from Wines order by degree DESC LIMIT 1;

In which city was the maximal order in term of quantity passed? In case of equality, we pick the first one in the alphabet.
select city, max(quantity) as max_quantity from Orders join Clients on Clients.clientID = Orders.clientID group by city order by max_quantity DESC, city ASC limit 1;