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[IDBerger_et_al,2006] Berger, Bac, and Hamet Berger, Bac, and Hamet 2006 Berger O., C. Bac, and B. Hamet, 2006, « Integration of Libre Software Applications to Create a Collaborative Work Platform for Researchers at GET », International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 1, 1.

[IDDang_et_al,2006] DangVu, Berger, Bac, and Hamet DangVu, Berger, Bac, and Hamet 2006 Dang Q.Vu, O. Berger, C. Bac and B. Hamet, 2006, Authenticating from mutiple authentication sources in a collaborative work platform: the Picolibre & Shibboleth case study, in: Héphaïstos Conference, First International Conference on Open Source Collaborative Development Platforms,

[IDBac_et_al,2005] Bac, Berger, Deborde, and Hamet Bac, Berger, Deborde, and Hamet 2005 Bac C., O. Berger, V. Deborde and B. Hamet, 2005, Why and how to contribute to libre software when you integrate them into an in-house application ?, in: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Open Source Systems, p. 113-118.

[IDBBH,2005] Bac, Berger, and Hamet Bac, Berger, and Hamet 2005 Bac C., O. Berger and B. Hamet, 2005, Intégration d'applications logicielles libres pour la réalisation d'une plate-forme de travail collaboratif destinée aux enseignants/chercheurs du GET, in: Actes du congrès 6èmes journées RESeaux - JRES2005, p. 151-160.

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