Xavier Blanc — Université de Bordeaux, France - June 13, 2016
Internet Speed Software Evolution
The success of Internet has provoked a mess in software maintenance. All applications that are designed to run on the Internet must not only fulfill all user requirements, which are more and more frequent and heterogeneous, but also must support the Internet evolutions. Further, they have to evolve at the Internet speed for not being deprecated and then unused.
The main problem is that internal factors that drive the maintenance of traditional applications, such as code quality for instance, becomes unpromising in front of external factors that broadly consider the evolution of Internet.
This talk addresses Internet speed software evolution. It aims to define factors and facilities that will drive the maintenance of applications designed to run on the Internet. For that purpose, it uses source code analysis coupled with statistical measures of large set of applications with the objective to exhibit evolution trends, and to leverage on them.
Xavier Blanc obtained his Ph.D degree from Paris 6 University in 2001. He worked on software modeling for E.D.F (Electricité de France). He then joined Softeam in 2001 as a software architect. In 2002, he joined University Paris 6 as associate professor. We worked on model driven engineering. He holds a Research Direction Habilitation in Computer Science from Paris 6 University in 2009.
He is currently full professor at the Bordeaux University. From 2011 to 2014 he was deputy director of the computer science laboratory (LaBRI) of the Bordeaux University. Since 2015 he is the head of the ProgResS (Software Enginering and Network computing) group of this laboratory. His current research is about software evolution. He works on repository mining and on static analysis. In 2015, he has been appointed as junior member of IUF (Institut Universitaire de France).
Heiko Ludwig — IBM Research, San Jose, CA, USA - June 14, 2016
A Short History of SLAs: Why service quality matters more now and why it is more difficult
With ever more wide spread consumption of IT services service quality becomes more important. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are the commitments that a service provider organization gives to its stakeholders, from the IT department in the past to your Cloud provider today. The nature of IT services, the way they are delivered, and how quality is managed have faced different issues at various major transitions of IT systems architecture and delivery models and still is evolving. While past systems have been simple, today’s application environments combine Cloud and on-premise infrastructure Platforms and services from different providers enable the quick development and delivery of solutions to their intended users. The ability to use Cloud platforms to stand up applications in a short time frame, the wide availability of Web services, and the application of a continuous deployment model has led to very dynamic application environments. In those application environments, managing quality of service has become even more important. The more external service vendors are involved the less control an application owner has and must rely on Service Level Agreements (SLAs). However, SLA management is becoming more difficult. Services from different vendors expose different instrumentation. In addition, the increasing dynamism of application environments entails that the speed of SLA monitoring set up must match the speed of changes to the application environment.
This talk will analyze how IT service quality has been defined and managed over time, discuss how to manage SLAs in today's multi-layer, multi-sourced Cloud environment, and what to expect going forward.
Heiko Ludwig is a Research Staff Member with IBM’s Almaden Research Center in San Jose, CA and leads the Platform and Mobile Enterprise group, working on issues of quality management, persistence and other topics to make Cloud Platforms and Mobile systems suitable for enterprises. Prior work addressed various issues of distributed systems, service and process management, mostly relating to dealing with large scale, crossing organizational boundaries, and the interrelationship of business and IT. Heiko published about 100 refereed articles, conference papers, and book chapters as well as technical reports. He is a managing co-editor of the International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems and associated editor of further journals; regular reviewer and PC member; helps organize workshops and conferences; and gives invited talks. He serves regularly on PhD Committees and teaches graduate classes. Heiko served as a project reviewer of European and national research funding programs. He represented IBM in the OGF GRAAP working group, publishing the WS-Agreement standard. Prior to the Alamaden Research Center, Heiko held different positions at IBM around the world.
François Charoy — Université de Lorraine, France - June 15, 2016
From group collaboration to large scale social collaboration
25th years of evolution in collaborative technologies During the last 25th years, we have witnessed huge evolutions of technologies to support collaborative activities between people and between organisations. Since Doug Engelbart “Mother of all demos” in 1968, most of our dreams have come true regarding group support for collaboration, mobile and ubiquitous communication, and data sharing. We are now connected to anyone at anytime from almost anywhere and we can coordinate actions and share data to achieve common goals. In this talk, we will recall how a combination of advances in science and technologies, together with their appropriation by users, have created an exciting and unexpected landscape for collaboration. We will show how this landscape is still evolving under important tectonic forces driven by new discoveries, artefacts and usage. Although it is a risky exercise, we will try to draw some lines to the future to describe the evolution that is currently occurring in this area and how we expect to see them heading in the future : as an ubiquitous collaborative Web based platform where communities of people can collaborate confidently, as a system without central authority where they can meet, as a platform where they can share and coordinate their action to resolve the big issues of our time.
François Charoy is professor of computer science at university of Lorraine, in Nancy, France. There, he is heading the Inria Coast Project Team that develops research on all aspects of collaboration at a large scale, relying on data sharing and process management. François Charoy was one of the creator of the Bonita BPM software for workflow management and he has been conducting research on all dimensions of coordination between people and organisations. Today he is working on coordination and collaboration at a large scale for collaborative editing or for crowdsourcing, acknowledging the fact that with social networks, we need to consider collaboration at the scale of community and not only at the scale of groups.