Table of Contents

Installing Oracle WebLogic Server on Linux/Windows

Download the Oracle WebLogic Server version 12 (this lab uses v12.2.1.4 with jdk8)

  1. Download the Generic Installer for WebLogic Server 12 ( from Oracle website. (You have to register an Oracle Technology Network (OTN) account to download it).
  2. Extract the downloaded file, suppose that you get the folder ~/wls12_dev.


  1. If you are running on Windows, your command window needs to be running as the Administrator.
  2. Setup JAVA_HOME and MW_HOME variables in the current shell, suppose your java was installed at “/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk”:

        $ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk
        $ export MW_HOME=[folder of installation]/wls12_dev
    1. On Windows:
          >set JAVA_HOME=C:\[java home]\jdk8
          >set MW_HOME=C:\[folder of installation]\wls12_dev
  3. Run the jar file in the MW_HOME directory:

        $ cd $MW_HOME
        $ java -jar [file-name].jar
    1. On Windows:
          >cd %MW_HOME%
          >java -jar [file-name].jar
  4. Follow the installation instruction steps by clicking next and keeping default values. In the last step, make sure that the option lancer automatiquement l'assistant configuration is checked.

Configure WLS domain

  1. Create an empty folder for your projects in ~\wls12-dev. Name it labs_domain.
  2. In the Configuration Wizard, change the domain directory to the created one.

  3. Create a user name and password.

  4. Keep the default values until the end, and click Finish.