Table of Contents

Midterm test


Create a hotel booking service which has basic functions:

  1. Searching for hotels: customers can search hotels based on date, number of nights and number of rooms.
  2. Reserving a hotel: customers can reserve a hotel by providing hotel ID.

Web service functionality requirements

  1. Client requests a service and gets a response.
  2. Interactions between two services.

Technique requirements

  1. Using Axis2 or Eclipse WTP to create services.
  2. Test the library functions with Web Service Explorer in Eclipse or client Java classes.


  1. Let:
    • A: a hotel reservation service (REST service) that handles the hotel searching and reservation requests.
    • B: a hotel filtering service (SOAP service) that checks hotel availability based on arrival date, number of nights and number of rooms (see the figure below)
    • Each hotel has information about date and available rooms.
  2. A customer (client) send a request to service A to check hotels that are available. When service A receives the client request, it will call service B to filter only services that are matched to client request.
    • Input: rental date, number of nights, number of rooms ; Output: list of available hotels (hotel ID and related information) that matched the user's request or “hotel not found.”
  3. Based on the list of available hotels, the client can make a reservation by providing a hotel ID. After receiving a hotel ID, service A will request service B to update the reservation information. If the reservation is successful, service B will return to A a value “true”. Otherwise (for example, the ID is not corresponding to an available hotel) it returns a value “false”.
  4. If A receives a “true”, it will return the client a message: “Reservation successful”. Otherwise, it will returns a message: “Reservation error or the hotel”+ID+“ is not available”.
  5. If the client make another search, the service B should return the results with the updated information about the previous reservation.


# Requierments Marks (20)
1 Create hotel reservation service 2
2 Create hotel filtering service 6
3 Interaction between two services 6
4 Test with Web service Client (instead of using Eclipse's Web service Explorer) 2
5 Work with complex data type (class, table, etc.) 2
6 Work with database (in text file, xml, in mysql, etc.) 2

How to submit

  1. Create a text file, named readme.txt, present: student names; how to install and run your services. The content can be in either English or French.
  2. Go to your Workspace, select and compress your projects into only 1 file.
  3. Compress the readme.txt file and your project file in .tar.gz format.