Table of Contents

Course Project

Scenario : Loan Process

Consider a scenario where a financial services firm offers to its customers a loan request service as following:

  1. Firstly, the customer completes a form including his ID, personal information, loan type (personal or commercial), loan amount and brief loan description.
  2. The financial services firm checks its maximum loan amount. If the customer loan amount is higher, the loan request is cancelled and the customer is notified.
  3. Otherwise, the “customer financial profile” activity is called from a partner service to determine the risk level of the customer based on his banking activities.
  4. If the customer risk level is “high” and the loan amount >= 20000, the loan is automatically declined.
  5. Otherwise, the customer is requested to submit a cashier's check.
  6. The financial services firm contacts the bank service to validate the received check. In case, it is validated, the loan is approved, otherwise the loan is declined.
  7. In the approval case, the financial services firm requests the loan amount from its own provider and sends it to the customer's bank account.
  8. Finally, the customer is notified about the firm decision (approval or rejection).

Note that :

Requirements and Evaluation

Requirements Marks (100)
Design a workflow with pools and the interactions between at least two partners. 10
The workflow design uses the gate (OR, AND or XOR). 5
The workflow's activities invoke (at least) one web service. 10
The workflow's activities request (at least) one REST resource. 5
The workflow's activities invoke (at least) one BPEL process. 15
The BPEL process uses the actions: PICK or IF or FLOW or WHILE. 5
The BPEL process uses the actions: INVOKE. 10
The BPEL process uses the complex types: ARRAY or SEQUENCE of simple types. 5
Redesign the BPEL process as an SCA composite service. 10
Redesign the BPEL process as an ESB. 10
Correct procedures, and complete execution. 15

(*) Extra points will be given to added functions, such as: database connectors in Bonita, sub-processes in Bonita, REST resource in JSON format, error handling in BPEL process, cases handling in Bonita, and so on.

Notice (Important)

  1. You have to complete the course project by yourself. Be aware that similar source codes of different students will be scored 0.
  2. You have to fulfill the course project bulletin (publised on the course's site) honestly and give it to your professor on the presentation day. You can also download it from here .
  3. You have 20 minutes to present your work.
  4. You should create a readme.txt file to explain how to run your project.
  5. You have to compress all of the files (project files, presentation files, readmee.txt, etc.) into a unique file in .zip format and submit it to and right after your presentation.
  6. You should title the submission email as: CSC5522 - course project - [your full name].