# # make help: gives some help # # configuration of a project in 5 steps # 1. give the root modules (aka, main targets, e.g., client and server) executables := spsc # 2. for each module, define its dependencies (which may itself be a sub-module) objects-spsc := spsc.o # 3. if you want to use multiple directories srcdir ?= dstdir ?= objdir ?= # 4. specify your flags here _CFLAGS += -g -Wall -Werror -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-deprecated-declarations -fPIC CFLAGS += -std=gnu11 $(_CFLAGS) CXXFLAGS += -std=gnu++17 $(_CFLAGS) LDFLAGS += -std=gnu++17 LIBS += -ldl -lpthread # 5. you can use your own compiler CC = gcc CXX = g++ LD = $(CXX) # That's all folk :) .PHONY: all clean cleanall help # these targets are not files .SUFFIXES: # remove all the implicit rules .SECONDARY: # all files are intermediate (keep them) .SECONDEXPANSION: # usefull to automatically build obj directories all: # ensures that all is the main target ifeq ($(filter clean cleanall help print-%, $(MAKECMDGOALS)),) mode := build else mode := no-build endif VERBOSE ?= 1 V ?= $(VERBOSE) COLOR ?= 1 ifneq ($(COLOR),0) red := \e[0;91m green := \e[0;92m yellow := \e[0;93m blue := \e[0;94m magenta := \e[0;95m cyan := \e[0;96m black := \e[0m endif print = @printf "$(value $1)%14s $(black) %s\n" "$(2)" "$(3)" || exit 0 ifneq ($(filter 1 3,$(V)),) log = $(call print,$(1),$(2),$(3)) endif ifneq ($(filter 0 1,$(V)),) Q := @ endif ifneq ($(filter 4,$(V)),) mode:=no-build print-info=$(info $(1)) endif rootdir :=$(realpath $(dir $(realpath $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) curdir :=$(PWD) do-dir =$(addsuffix /,$(abspath $(1)/$(2))) srcdir :=$(call do-dir,$(rootdir),$(srcdir)) objdir :=$(call do-dir,$(curdir),$(objdir)) dstdir :=$(call do-dir,$(curdir),$(dstdir)) modules := $(modules) $(executables) define check-if-module $(call print-info,:: check element: $(1) [modules='$(modules)' gen-modules='$(gen-modules)']) $(if $(filter-out $(modules) $(gen-modules),$(filter-out %.o,$(1))),gen-modules+=$(1) $(eval $(call process-module,$(1)))) endef define process-module $(call print-info,:: process module: $(1) [modules='$(modules)' gen-modules='$(gen-modules)']) $(eval objects-$(notdir $(1)):=$(addprefix $(objdir),$(objects-$(notdir $(1))))) $(foreach cur,$(objects-$(notdir $(1))),$(if $(filter %.o,$(cur)),$(eval objects+=$(cur)))) $(foreach cur,$(objects-$(notdir $(1))),$(eval $(call check-if-module,$(cur)))) endef $(foreach cur,$(modules),$(eval $(call process-module,$(cur)))) objects :=$(sort $(objects)) gen-modules :=$(sort $(gen-modules)) modules :=$(addprefix $(dstdir),$(modules)) dependencies :=$(objdir).dependencies ifeq ($(mode),build) all: $(modules) endif # generate rules define gen-rule $(call print-info,$(1)) $(1) endef define gen-module-rule $(call gen-rule,$(1): | $$$$(@D)/. $(1): $(objects-$(notdir $(1))) $(if $(filter $(notdir $(1)),$(executables)), $(1): $$(call log,magenta,linking,$$(notdir $$@)) $$(Q)$$(LD) $$(LDFLAGS) -o $$@ $$^ $$(LIBS),)) endef $(foreach cur,$(modules) $(gen-modules),$(eval $(call gen-module-rule,$(cur)))) %.so: $(call log,yellow,linking,$(notdir $@)) $(Q)$(LD) -shared $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) %.a: $(call log,yellow,archiving,$(notdir $@)) $(Q)ar cr $@ $^ define _single-gcc-rule $(call gen-rule,$(1): $(2) $$(call log,cyan,compiling,$$(notdir $$<)) $$(Q)$(3) -MMD -MP -MT "$$@" -MT "$$(@D)/.$$(*F).d" -MF "$$(@D)/.$$(*F).d" -c "$$<" -o "$$@") endef define gcc-rule $(eval $(call _single-gcc-rule,$(objdir)%.o,$(objdir)$(1) $(objdir).%.d,$(2))) $(eval $(call _single-gcc-rule,$(objdir)%.o,$(srcdir)$(1) $(objdir).%.d,$(2))) endef $(eval $(call gcc-rule,%.cc,$(CXX) $$(CXXFLAGS))) $(eval $(call gcc-rule,%.c,$(CC) $$(CFLAGS))) $(eval $(call gcc-rule,%.S,$(CC) $$(CFLAGS))) .%.d: | $$(@D)/. # $(file >> $<,-include $@) why this does not work??? $(Q)echo "-include $@" >> $(dependencies) $(Q)touch $@ -include $(dependencies) %/.: $(Q)mkdir -p $@ print-%: $(call print,green,$*,[$($*)]) help: @echo "usage: make target" @echo @echo "Main targets:" $(call print,yellow,all,generate the root modules ($(notdir $(modules)))) $(call print,yellow,print-[var],print the variable var (e.g., print-gen-modules)) @echo @echo "Main variables:" $(call print,green,V,verbose level (0 nothing, 1 abstract, 2 full command, 3 1+2, 4 auto debug) [$(V)]) $(call print,green,COLOR,use colors [$(COLOR)]) $(call print,green,modules,root modules [$(modules)]) $(call print,green,gen-modules,sub modules generated for the root modules [$(gen-modules)]) $(call print,green,objects,objects used to build the modules [$(objects)]) tidy: $(Q)rm -f *~ \#* clean: $(Q)rm -rf $(objects) $(addprefix $(objdir),$(patsubst %.o,.%.d,$(notdir $(objects)))) $(filter-out $(modules),$(gen-modules)) $(dependencies) cleanall: clean $(Q)rm -rf $(modules)