Operating system-level virtualization: Docker: Pratique des
architectures à base de conteneurs. Cloux et al., 2016. [Fr.]
General: Linux Containers and Virtualization: A Kernel
Perspective. Jain, 2020.
Further readings
Hardware virtualization
Memory resource management in VMware ESX server.
Waldspurger. In OSDI 2002.
Xen and the Art of Virtualization. Barham, Dragovic,
Fraser, Hand, Harris, Ho, Neugebauer, Pratt, Warfield. In SOSP
kvm: the Linux Virtual Machine Monitor. Kivity, Kamay,
Laor, Lublin, Liguori. In Linux Symposium 2007.
Unikernels: library operating systems for the cloud.
Madhavapeddy, Mortier, Rotsos, Scott, Singh, Gazagnaire, Smith, Hand,
Crowcroft. In SIGARCH 2013.
My VM is Lighter (and Safer) than your Container. Manco,
Lupu, Schmidt, Mendes, Kuenzer, Sati, Yasukata, Raiciu, Huici. In SOSP
GiantVM: a type-II hypervisor implementing many-to-one
virtualization. Zhang, Ding, Chen, Jia, Yu, Qi, Guan. In VEE
Firecracker: Lightweight Virtualization for Serverless
Applications. Agache, Brooker, Florescu, Iordache, Liguori,
Neugebauer, Piwonka, Popa. In NSDI 2020.
SAND: Towards High-Performance Serverless Computing. Akkus,
Chen, Rimac, Stein, Satzke, Beck, Aditya, Hilt. In USENIX ATC 2018.
From Laptop to Lambda: Outsourcing Everyday Jobs to Thousands of
Transient Functional Containers. Fouladi, Romero, Iter, Li,
Chatterjee, Kozyrakis, Zaharia, Winstein. In USENIX ATC 2019.
Faasm: Lightweight Isolation for Efficient Stateful Serverless
Computing. Shillaker, Pietzuch. In USENIX ATC 2020.
SONIC: Application-aware Data Passing for Chained Serverless
Applications. Mahgoub, University; Shankar, Mitra, Klimovic,
Chaterji Saurabh Bagchi. In USENIX ATC 2021.
Nightcore: efficient and scalable serverless computing for
latency-sensitive, interactive microservices. Jia, Witchel. In
ASPLOS 2021.
BeeHive: Sub-second Elasticity for Web Services with Semi-FaaS
Execution. Zhao, Wu, Tang, Zang, Wang, Chen. In ASPLOS 2023.
Other topics
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