RTP Quality Matrix ================== The Real-time Transport Protocol, RTP [1], provides quality of service feedback with reception reports sent alongside the media stream. If the media is sent via IP multicast it is possible for a third party to snoop on these reception reports, displaying reception quality for all members of a group. The RQM application performs such snooping. Usage: rqm address/port (eg: rqm rqm -version The distributed binaries support IPv4 addresses, it is also possible to compile RQM to support IPv6. When running RQM displays a matrix with participant details on the left, and a number of cells to the right of these. Each row of cells denotes the packet loss rate observed for data sent from the participant indicated at the left of that row (point to a cell and a popup will appear giving the names of the source and destination of the traffic represented by that cell). The colours of the cell start as green (no loss) and fade to red (20% loss). A white cell indicates that no information is available. A light blue cell indicates that the receiver is not receiving media data from a particular sender (at present light blue is only used when an empty reception report is received, indicating that a receiver can hear no-one). Clicking on a cell will initiate an mtrace [2] between the indicated participants, if you have mtrace installed and available in your path. Comments, suggestions and bug reports should be sent to c.perkins@cs.ucl.ac.uk more information is available from http://www-mice.cs.ucl.ac.uk/multimedia/software/rqm References: [1] Schulzrinne, H., Casner, S., Frederick R., and V. Jacobson, "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications", RFC 1889, January 1996. [2] Fenner, W. Multicast traceroute, software available online from ftp://ftp.parc.xerox.com/pub/net-research/ipmulti/mtrace-5.2.tar.gz