;; Minimal DNS Zone Sample. ;; ------------------------ ;; ;; NBs : ;; - Assume BIND > 8.2 (else modify $TTL and TTLs units) ;; - Here TTL's value are very small for testing ;; - XXX means to be replaced by correct values ;; - !ALERT! Current zone name is implicitely concatenated ;; to domain name without final dot. (FQDN completion) ;; - !ALERT! Serial number needs to be modified every time the file ;; is modified ;;## Default TTL value for RR $TTL 5m ;;## Zone Identification (Mandatory and uniq in the zone) @ IN SOA ( NS1 ; this (primary) server XXX\.XXX.int-evry.fr. ; administrator's mail 2005XXXXXX ; Serial Number : YYYY/MM/DD/xx (4+2+2+2) 10m ; refresh TTL for slave update 1m ; retry TTL, if problems in refresh 1h ; expire TLL, if big problems in refresh 1m ; Negative Cache TTL (TTL for NXDOMAIN response...) ) ;;## Authoritative Servers for this zone (Mandatory) @ NS NS1 ; here, a uniq server (not good!) ;;## NS1 Address (Mandatory from previous) NS1 A 157.159.XXX.XXX ; IPV4 Address for NS1 ;;!! ALERT: Don't modify NS1 line without modifying !! ;;!! glue information in parent zone !! ;;!! PS : Don't suppress this comment !! ;;## Some data in the zone MAMACHINE A 157.159.XXX.XXX ; an host and IPv4 address PETITNOM CNAME MAMACHINE ; an alias for this host www A 157.159.XXX.XXX ; another host TXT "mon site web" ; with a comment ;;## Mail Address Definition and SMTP servers @ MX 10 SMTP1 ;addresses "user@current_zone" @ MX 20 SECOURS ici MX 10 SMTP1 ;addresses "user@ici.current_zone" SMTP1 A 157.159.XXX.XXX ;Mandatory from previous SECOURS A 157.159.XXX.XXX ;Mandatory from previous ;;## Sub-domains without zone delegation : "priv.current_zone" www.priv CNAME MAMACHINE ftp.priv A 157.159.XXX.XXX ;;## sub zone delegation : "sub.current_zone" sub NS NS1 ; a server outside the sub-zone sub NS NS2.sub ; another one inside the sub-zone NS2.sub A 157.159.XXX.XXX ;!! Mandatory Glue for NS2.sub !! ;;!ALERT! No more xxx.sub names in this file !!