Welcome to the homepage of Olivier Berger at GET / INTtextual version [FR] [EN]

Welcome to the english version of the professional « homepage » of Olivier Berger at INT.

Contents of these pages

The visitor will find here some of the contents of my french homepage, translated to english, or some elements that were originally published in english.

I'm solely responsible for this content and not my employer nor its partners

Read also my Weblog at INT, which is updated more often that the present pages.


Research projects

I'm mainly working on the following projects :

  • Development of the ProGET platform : platform supporting GET research projects and programmes (http://www.get-telecom.fr/proget/).

    This platform consists in three main components, including an environment for collaborative work for researchers, which I'm most interested in.

  • European IST project CALIBRE : Coordination Action for LIBRE software (http://www.calibre.ie/).

    CALIBRE is a european Coordination action project of the 6th FP, bringing together key personals in libre software. CALIBRE is leaded by University of Limerick (Ireland) and groups a multi-disciplinary consortium of 12 research teams from academia and industry coming form Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, Sweden and China.

I'm working on these subjects in the frame of the following GET Research projects, of the Information society GET research programme suivants, du Programme de Recherche GET Information society (Société de l'information) :

Personal works

Here is a list of documents I published at INT

  • co-auteur de Intégration d'applications logicielles libres pour la réalisation d'une plate-forme de travail collaboratif destinée aux enseignants/chercheurs du GET [???TITLE???] présenté au congrès JRES2005. .

  • co-auteur de Why and how-to contribute to libre software when you integrate them into an in-house application ? [???TITLE???] présenté à la conférence OSS2005. Les transparents de présentation de ce papier sont disponibles dans : la section "Présentations" du site (Integration of libre software for in-house applications - Strategy for contribution. Example of the ProGET collaborative work platform for researchers at GET).


Presentations, slides, courses elements

Some presentations



Read also my Weblog at INT.

To contact me in a confidential way : my GPG public key

These is the id of my public OpenPGP key :

pub 1024D/6B829EEC 2002-03-05 Olivier Berger (Work Address) <olivier.berger@int-evry.fr>

To download my key, fetch it from every good key server, for instance from subkeys.pgp.net


My FOAF profile (Friend of a Friend) Friend of a Friend which describes me a little bit :

Outside INT

To contact me, if I don't answer on <olivier.berger [AT] int-evry.fr>, you may also try to reach me with <oberger AT ouvaton DOT org>.

My personal homepage : here.


[IDBerger_et_al,2006] Berger, Bac, and Hamet Berger, Bac, and Hamet 2006 Berger O., C. Bac, and B. Hamet, 2006, « Integration of Libre Software Applications to Create a Collaborative Work Platform for Researchers at GET », International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 1, 1.

[IDDang_et_al,2006] DangVu, Berger, Bac, and Hamet DangVu, Berger, Bac, and Hamet 2006 Dang Q.Vu, O. Berger, C. Bac and B. Hamet, 2006, Authenticating from mutiple authentication sources in a collaborative work platform: the Picolibre & Shibboleth case study, in: Héphaïstos Conference, First International Conference on Open Source Collaborative Development Platforms,

[IDBac_et_al,2005] Bac, Berger, Deborde, and Hamet Bac, Berger, Deborde, and Hamet 2005 Bac C., O. Berger, V. Deborde and B. Hamet, 2005, Why and how to contribute to libre software when you integrate them into an in-house application ?, in: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Open Source Systems, p. 113-118.

[IDBBH,2005] Bac, Berger, and Hamet Bac, Berger, and Hamet 2005 Bac C., O. Berger and B. Hamet, 2005, Intégration d'applications logicielles libres pour la réalisation d'une plate-forme de travail collaboratif destinée aux enseignants/chercheurs du GET, in: Actes du congrès 6èmes journées RESeaux - JRES2005, p. 151-160.

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