// Common options and macros for JFlex // Remplacement de Jflex.include pour lecture de l'entrée en ASCII 8bits // (NB. probleme d'encodage de java) // Usage : add "%include .." after first "%%" in .jflex file // JFlex Alone : %include Jflex.include // JFlex with CUP : %include Jflex.include // %include JflexCup.include // Lexer function : "int next_token()" %int %function next_token // Counting ON : int yyline, yycolumn; long yychar; %line %column %char %{ // Printing helpers String WHERE() { return yyline+"/"+yycolumn+"("+yychar+")" ;} void ECHO() { System.out.print( yytext() );} void ECHO(String categorie) { System.out.print("[" + categorie + ":" + yytext() + "]"); } void WARN(String msg) { System.err.println(""); } // main() : read stdin or file args[0] public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException { if (args.length > 0) System.setIn(new java.io.FileInputStream(args[0])); Yylex lexer = new Yylex(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in,"ISO-8859-1")); while (! lexer.zzAtEOF) lexer.next_token(); } %}