
François Trahay

Buffered / non-buffered IO

  • Buffered I/O

    • Write operations are grouped in a buffer which is written to disc from time to time
    • When reading, a data block is loaded from disk to buffer

    a buffered I/O an operation on the disk

    • eg. fopen, fread, fscanf, fwrite, fprintf, etc.
    • Data stream identified by an opaque pointer FILE*
  • Unbuffered I/O

    • an unbuffered I/O = an operation on the disk
    • eg. open, read, write, etc.
    • Open file identified by a file descriptor of type int

I/O primitives

File open / close

  • int open(const char *path, int flags, mode_t mode)
    • returns f_id

    • flags can take one of the following values:

      • O_RDONLY: read only
      • O_WRONLY: write only
      • O_RDWR: read and write
    • Additional flags:

      • O_APPEND: append data (write at the end of the file)
      • O_TRUNC: truncate (empty) the file when opening it
      • O_CREAT: creation if the file does not exist. The permissions are (mode & ∼umask)
      • O_SYNC: open file in synchronous write mode
      • O_NONBLOCK (ot O_NDELAY): open and subsequent operations performed on the descriptor will be non-blocking.
  • int close(int desc)

Reading on a file descriptor

  • ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count)
    • returns the number of bytes successfully read

    • When read returns, the buf zone contains the read data;

    • In the case of a file, the number of bytes read may not be be equal to count:

      • We reached the end of the file
      • We did a non-blocking read and the data was exclusively locked

Writing on a file descriptor

  • ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count)
    • return the number of bytes written

    • In the case of a file, the return value (without error) of the write operation means that:

      • Bytes were written to kernel caches unless O_SYNC was specify at file open;
      • Bytes have been written to disk if O_SYNC was specified.
    • In the case of a file, a number of bytes written that is different from count means an error (e.g. No space left on device)

File descriptor duplication

  • Mechanism mainly used to perform redirection of the three standard I/O files.
  • int dup(int old_fd)
    • return a new file descriptor new_fd
    • associates the smallest available file descriptor of the calling process the same entry in the open files table as the descriptor old_fd
  • int dup2(int old_fd, int new_fd)
    • force the file descriptor new_fd to become a synonym of the old_fd descriptor. If the descriptor new_fd is not available, the system first closes close(new_fd)

I/O and concurrence

Locking a file

struct flock {
  short l_type;
  short l_whence;
  off_t l_start;
  off_t l_len;

int fcntl(int fd, F_SETLK, struct flock*lock);
  • Locks are attached to an inode. So locking a file affects all file descriptors (and therefore all open files) corresponding to this inode

  • A lock is the property of a process: this process is the only one authorized to modify or remove it

  • Locks have a scope of [integer1:integer2] or [integer:∞]

  • Locks have a type:

    • F_RDLCK: allows concurrent read access
    • F_WRLCK: exclusive access

Offset manipulation

  • off_t lseek(int fd, off_t unOffset, int origine)

    • return the new offset

    • allows to handle the offset of the file

  • Warning ! Race condition if several threads manipulate the file

  • Solutions:

    • Handling of the file in mutual exclusion
    • Using pread or pwrite instead of lseek + read or lseek + write

Improving the I / O performance

Giving advices to the kernel

  • int posix_fadvise(int fd, off_t offset, off_t len, int advice)

    • return value = 0 if OK, error number otherwise
    • allows you to tell the kernel how the programm will access a file, which allows the kernel to optimize accordingly

Asynchronous I/O

int aio_read(struct aiocb *aiocbp);
int aio_write(struct aiocb *aiocbp);
  • Starts an asynchronous read / write operation
  • Returns immediately
int aio_suspend(const struct aiocb * const aiocb_list[],
                int nitems,
                const struct timespec *timeout);
  • Waits for the end of an asynchronous operation
int aio_error(const struct aiocb *aiocbp);
  • Tests the end of an asynchronous operation


void *mmap(void *addr, 
           size_t length,
           int prot,
           int flags,
           int fd,
           off_t offset);
  • “map” a file in memory
  • memory accesses to the buffer are transformed into disk operations
int munmap(void *addr, size_t length);
  • “unmap” a buffer