Adaptative Middleware Platform for Proactive Reconfigurable Systems
Ampros is a research project of the French-Finnish PROACT program, funded by RNTL, the Academy of Finland and TEKES, the National Agency of Technology of Finland. Ampros project aims to develop a generic middleware platform that will enable the interoperation between mobile and stationnary computers. It will be performed by two academic institutions (Helsinki University of Technology, Institut National des Télécommunications) and two companies (Nokia Private Radio Networks, Thalès Communications).
The project started in January 2003 and will finish in December 2005.
Technical Objective :
The technical objective of AMPROS is to design, develop and prototype a middleware-based platform in wireless networks with the generalizations that can be used for such services as emergency aid, crisis managements etc. The platform must address the challenges of interoperability, scalability, dynamicity and mobility in proactive environments.
Scientific Objective :
The scientific objective of AMPROS is to provide means to facilitate the development and integration of distributed dynamic proactive systems. This aim will be achieved by designing and implementing an open middleware platform which will be based on software components.
HUT, Finland
INT, France. (INT is part of GET ).
Juha Tuominen Guy Bernard
NOKIA, Finland THALES, France
Tapio Mäkinen Jean-Pierre Germain

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